Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today, I'm thinking to myself, "hummm, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I sure would like to eat just what I need to eat. I hate eating so much I feel like I can't breathe!" See, I love food! Always have. My favorite dates with friends or lovers throughout my life are the ones in which I am taken to eat amazing foods. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because there is always a ton of amazing food everywhere you look. But, I have one problem.. I tend to eat too much. I have to spend a good portion of the evening sitting down waiting for my food to "digest" or move into one of my legs (as my grandmother used to say).

Then as I continued with my thought process, I remembered the wonderful tools and techniques I've learned that help me to stay on track, to pay attention to my body, to realized when my unconscious programs are running rampant. And in an instant, I felt a sense of peace and calm flow through me. I felt, once again, in control. I don't know about you, but I hate to feel out of control. Whether to my emotions, feelings, beliefs, behaviors or habits. I totally hate looking back at an event or situation and realizing, "man, I did it again! When will I learn?"

Remembering how much I hate being out of control, I sat down and made an appointment with myself for 20 minutes to quiet my mind and get in touch with me. This gave me more power to control my emotions, beliefs, and habits. I was able to tap into that source that causes me to eat more than I need, and turn it into inspiration and power by feeling all the benefits of eating just enough.

Meditation is vital to the well-being of all. If we are not paying attention to what is going on inside of us, who will? If we are not getting quiet for a few short minutes each and every day, what are we doing? If we are not taking charge of our lives, who is????? So, I fully suggest during this holiday season to take time out for yourself. Even 5-10 minutes a day will make a huge difference in your life!!!

If you want to learn how, check out my Meditation Technique.

Much love and Happy Eating!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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